
Blachford is dedicated to work in ways that meet or exceed environmental, economic and social needs without compromising the well-being of future generations.


  • Reduce, reuse or recycle waste of all kinds, but particularly that which leads to the generation of greenhouse gases or the contamination of land, air or water.
  • Reduce and eliminate, if at all possible, the use of toxic or environmentally harmful substances.
  • Minimize the resources we consume, such as raw materials, gas, electricity and water.
  • Manufacture products using renewable raw materials and energy sources whenever practical to do so.
  • Support customers in their efforts to reduce resource consumption and the use of toxic or non­renewable raw materials.
  • Support organizations, such as certain trade associations and other non-government organizations that promote the protection of the environment.
  • Work with all stakeholders for public policy and standards that enhance sustainability.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Environmental Policy

Our ISO 9001 Cert – H.L. Blachford

Our ISO 9001 Cert – Blachford Corporation

Forced Labour in Canadian Supply Chains – Report 2023